It starts next week and I feel that everything is still up in the air.
Gosh, this is really it:
I am a fine art student at York St John 1841.
This time next week I will officially be a mature university student in Fine Art at York St John.
I am a fine art student at York St John 1841
I am running around trying to organise everything and planning months ahead things I am not so sure yet that are even going to happen. And then at times I stand still not knowing exactly what I have to do, read, write, move, pack, plan, sort, sift.

I feel old. And tired.
More than anything I think I feel scared.
And very vulnerable.
What I find important is that all the practicalities are now sorted and everything seems to be working. Emails and Moodle and links and Teams seems to be all linked together in a Spaghetti Junction kind of mad-way. My laptops have both had a sort of spring cleaning and are ready to receive new material.
Me, I am ready for bed.