Well, this in my original plans would have been the week to decide what to do and what to create for the FMP. We still don’t know what is going to happen re. college and the final exhibition, not to mention how we are going to be graded at the end of this multi-faceted year.
Still, I am here trying to make it all work, as are my colleagues doing in their isolation.
First, the sad notes: the book is stuck and left to how it was during the holidays and when I experienced the symptoms of the viral infection. I need rain to write and these past days the sun has been shining like it never did before – thank you! I have created a dedicated space upstairs to write and the laptop is ready and waiting for me. I just need the right emotional frame of mind to sit and write.
Having said that, I am reading a lot about writing, and that conjuncture between creativity, art, psychotherapy, and spirituality. I am changing as a person and this reflects in what I am making. There has been a lot of self-enquiry and self-development going on between these 4 walls. At the moment I am specifically working on the Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell and I am leaving here a link for all to watch and be mesmerised:
If you haven’t read any of his books – I got three – nor know anything about him and the journey, please take this hour and a half, sit, and let yourself be blown away.
Here is a photo I took quickly from the video:

And I have also created something on the side, while watching videos and listening to audiobooks or mantras:
So, I am putting things together: do you see me?, the FMP, the book, the interestes, the past passion, symbols, stories.
I also did another podcast on the futility of art these days and Nicholson: that I hope you’d enjoy.
Nicholson, Campbell and I decide to go on a journey, but hey! where are we all going?
I have also collected an impressive amount of images re. symbols, languages, glyphs, etc and my next plan is to collate them all together in a “booklet of magic”, for which I want to find a better title / name…
This is where I am at. I feel I am not making a lot, but I am still making!